A Strudel Is A Type of Sushi.

2 min readFeb 19, 2021

The Sushi protocol has given the Strudel protocol an allocation in their Onsen liquidity incentive program! You can learn more about the Onsen program here. This program aims to bring newcomer projects like ours into the sushiswap ecosystem.

In order to start the program, we are going to create and incentivize Sushiswap liquidity pairs (SLP) for both $TRDL/ETH and vBTC/ETH which will replace the current farms. the Onsen program will allow farmers to have the option to receive sushi yields by staking their liquidity pool tokens in another protocol.

$TRDL is always innovating, for this reason at onsen we have decided to incentivize $TRDL/ETH and a new pool called the Strudel Oven (vCRV). This pool is created on crv.finance and consists of a metapool made out of BTC 3CRV and vBTC, which is then paired with ETH for our ETH-vCRV SLP. This is a highly experimental pool that we hope will help support the solidity of the peg.

Therefore, the new farms available will be:

Strudel farm

  • $TRDL-ETH SLP 60 % $TRDL yields
  • vBTC-ETH SLP 40% $TRDL yields

Onsen farm

  • $TRDL-ETH SLP 60% SUSHI yields
  • vCRV-ETH SLP 40% SUSHI yields

The proposed changes, given no objections arise, will take place once the timelock for the contract upgrade completes its waiting period. We are happy to continue our journey to be onboarded in many of the best DeFi protocols and are excited to see where $TRDL may show up next!

